Rock around
(written by O. Burkard -Burke- 1990)

We’re listen in the distance
There are great sound to hear
I feel the power of magic
Now, the sense is me clear
Black and blue is over
the “Rock’n Roll” is come
that’s the music of the revolution
that’s the sound from hon’

We rock the guitar babe
We rock the drums
We rock the bass-guitar - the truth comes

Year we Rock around - Rock around
Rock around - Rock around

Guitar sound and drum beats, yeah
We feel alive and well
We take power of Thousand Watt
this appearance we tell
Everyboddy listen “Rock’n Roll”
all over the world
it feels like fire and ice
to tie your heart and soul

We rock the guitar babe
We rock the drums
We rock the bass-guitar - the truth comes

Year we Rock around - Rock around
Rock around - Rock around
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